Matt Damon Can't Stop Kicking Himself Over Turning Down Avatar And A $250+ Million Pay Day

Variety - Matt Damon’s decision to turn down James Cameron’s 2009 space epic “Avatar,” which remains the highest-grossing movie of all time with $2.9 billion worldwide, remains one of the more infamous casting what-ifs of recent blockbuster history. Damon turned down the film despite an offer that included receiving 10% of the box office back end, which would’ve meant a $250 million payday for him.

During a recent interview with Chris Wallace, the “Avatar” offer got brought up again and prompted Damon to explain his thought process behind turning it down.

“I’m sure it’s the most money an actor ever turned down, you know?” Damon said about his decision, stressing that he did not want to get out of his contract for another “Jason Bourne” movie at the time.

I'm not sure there is anything on earth that will haunt you more than passing up a business opportunity and it turns out it could have made you rich. A $250 Million pay day is easily the most money any actor has ever left on the table. Not to mention being the lead in 2 of the 3 highest grossing movies of all time.

One might say having those on your resume and all that cheddar in your bank account could really leave behind a...(Bourne) Legacy.

Anyway, Avatar began filming in 2007 so presumably Matt would have missed out on The Bourne Ultimatum (easily the best of the series), Oceans 13 (arguably the second best of the series) and possibly The Informant! and Invictus. That's a hell of a two year run but does it outweigh one of the most iconic movies ever and A QUARTER BILLION DOLLARS?

I guess not because Matt still seems to be kicking himself over the decision. And I totally get it. One time my buddy pitched me on an idea he had for a "Jump to Conclusions" mat. It was literally just a mat with a bunch of conclusions on it that you could jump to. 

He swore to me it was a million dollar idea but I ignored him and instead decided to defraud my job with a computer virus that skimmed a fraction of a penny off of every transaction. I mean we stole over $300,000 in one weekend. Way too much money to keep from getting caught.

So I decided to turn myself in and face the consequences on my actions. Before the company found my letter admitting what I had done, a disgruntled employee burned the whole fucking place down. Shout out to Milton. They never showed that guy the respect he deserved in my opinion.

If that sounds familiar it's because it's the plot to the movie Office Space, another film where Damon could have been the lead. That's right, the studio wanted Matt Damon to play Peter in Office Space. And quite frankly if I had more money than God like Damon, I think I would rather have Office Space on my filmography than Avatar. Any hot star can jump on a blockbuster but to be in a comedy cult classic is rare air. And Matt Damon is funny but Office Space would have provided some serious comedy street cred.

Then again $250 Million is technically enough money to do 500 chicks at the same time. Which is every man with a mullet's dream.

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